Charity legal services management
My legal services management can help your charity maximise the efficiency and optimise the cost of any legal services you need to use.
With my help you will make better use of external and in-house lawyers and save on legal fees.
Getting better quality from your lawyers
Top quality lawyers who act for charities are specialists, and I know who they are.
If your charity needs a lawyer, whether for regular transactional work or one-off instructions, I can help you:
- Identify the best lawyer for the case in hand
- Consider, where appropriate, direct access to counsel, eliminating solicitors’ fees
- Negotiate solicitors’ and/or counsel’s fees
- Give legal instructions efficiently
- Project manage your case, maintaining its momentum and saving you stress
- Keep more of your time free for your day-job and for running the rest of your life.
More efficiently
I can assimilate a brief, sort out the detail and present it in wholly digestible form to your lawyer. My time is £80 an hour. Compared to a lawyer sorting through an undigested brief your immediate saving could be £170 an hour or more.
“My case was going nowhere. I knew exactly what I wanted but my lawyer made it so complicated. I felt I had lost control. I was paying a fortune to be in a process I did not understand and there was no way out. Geoffrey intervened for me, spoke the lawyer’s language and transformed my case. It was a weight lifted from my shoulders. After years of frustration, within a few months’ of Geoffrey’s involvement my lawyer had brought my case to the conclusion I wanted. I wish I had consulted Geoffrey at the outset.”
“Rubbish in – rubbish out”
I can provide training for your charity’s staff on giving clear, concise and complete instructions to your lawyers, avoiding circularity and, worst of all, “rubbish in – rubbish out”.
Keeping your lawyers on a tight rein
If your charity has in-house lawyers, I can help you make sure your legal team is efficient and cost-effective. I can review:
- How effectively you are recruiting your lawyers ?
- How efficiently are you deploying your lawyers ?
- How efficiently is your legal team being instructed ?
- Who is identifying when lawyers are needed and engaging them ?
- What are you doing to make sure your legal issues are active and not stagnating ?
I’ll help you rationalise the whole process, cut out waste and duplication and ensure your legal matters keep moving forward.
Other ways I can help
I also provide charity governance consultancy and training.
Where does your charity stand?
Take my popular Charity Governance Quiz and Good Trustee / Bad Trustee – the Quiz to find out!
Get in touch
Contact me on +44 (0)7914 005327 or send me an email.
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