October, 2018

October 26th, 2018ArticlesGeoffrey Hand 0 Comments

1. Your charity’s governing document matters Your governing document is both your charity’s Bible and its Highway Code. If your charity is doing something different, your charity trustees can be way off track before realising they have set a foot wrong. Check it out regularly, at least once a year, and stay legal. 2.  Adopt the charity trustee […]

October 19th, 2018ArticlesGeoffrey Hand 0 Comments

You are a charity trustee. In your trustee nightmare,  you are successively chair of trustees of each of these famous, now perhaps notorious, national charities: Oxfam Save the Children The Presidents Club Age UK Help for Heroes Kids Company Each of these charities has encountered major problems including, variously: allegations of sexual exploitation breaches of […]

October 12th, 2018ArticlesGeoffrey Hand 0 Comments

The well-known national charity Scope is adopting a radical new strategy. It includes a 40% reduction in the charity’s income and shedding 60% of its employees. There are lessons here for every charity and every charity trustee – lessons in being radical. Scope – The story so far Founded as The National Spastics Society in […]

October 5th, 2018ArticlesGeoffrey Hand 0 Comments

Charity disputes are all too common, and this is not a well-known tenet of charity management, but it is one I know to be true: behind almost every charity dispute lies a failure of governance. Avoiding charity disputes How to avoid charity disputes altogether: – be warned Be warned and be careful – charities are potential powder […]