October, 2017
Do you need to worry? As a charity trustee, you have legal responsibility for your charity’s management and administration. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Fundraising Preference Service could result in your charity being reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office and it could be fined up to £500,000. So yes, you do need […]
New blog posts
- Your charity’s reputation – no amnesty for charity trustees
- Kids Company Charity Trustees are vindicated – but what about charity governance?
- Your Charity’s CEO – Mainstay or Over-stay?
- Charity trustees – be inspired by Helen Taylor Thompson
- Charity minutes matter – ask Marie Stopes International
- Don’t let coronavirus / COVID-19 de-rail your charity governance
- Succession planning for your charity trustee board
- Who’s in charge of a charity? The answer may not be who you think…