November, 2016
Troublesome trustees cross my desk only too often. Maybe there would be fewer troublesome trustees if more charity trustee boards adopted a Trustees’ Code of Conduct. How about yours? Clarity and accountability With a Code of Conduct, your trustees could spend less time and energy in trying to resolve trustee issues or even in removing […]
New blog posts
- Your charity’s reputation – no amnesty for charity trustees
- Kids Company Charity Trustees are vindicated – but what about charity governance?
- Your Charity’s CEO – Mainstay or Over-stay?
- Charity trustees – be inspired by Helen Taylor Thompson
- Charity minutes matter – ask Marie Stopes International
- Don’t let coronavirus / COVID-19 de-rail your charity governance
- Succession planning for your charity trustee board
- Who’s in charge of a charity? The answer may not be who you think…